Why I Choose Cannabis Over Alcohol: The Cali Sober Way

I’m sitting here penning this post on a warm August night in the Pacific Northwest. I have my sparkling water, my Strawberry Mimosa vape pen (delicious), and I feel relaxed, present, healthy, and excited.

I’m excited to get these thoughts out on paper. And I intend for this to be but the first post of a greater series. Because I have a lot to say on this topic.

I’m going to let you in on a lifestyle approach that has been serving me well. This is something my friends and family know about me, and well, if you’ve been following on Instagram, then you too know that I’m exploring a new vibe.

I’m happy to say that I am Cali Sober. Have you heard this term before? Let me tell you about it.

When it’s the weekend, or I want to unwind, or I’m at a party socializing with friends… I don’t drink. Instead, I opt to celebrate life with cannabis. I’m sharing this because this has led to better outcomes in my life - health, personal, professional, and spiritual.

This isn’t for everybody. This is only for you if you want it to be. But in case it’s something that can help you, I wanted to be sure to tell you about it.

Here’s what I want you to know…

For recreation and relaxation at home…& social events and outings…

You can choose cannabis instead of alcohol and still have an amazing experience.

In fact, over time, you will probably find that you are having a much better experience overall.

And you absolutely deserve to enjoy this journey.

So… let’s break this down a little bit more. Next, I’ll explore some of the benefits - but also the side effects - that you might expect to experience if you start reaching for cannabis over alcohol.

Benefits of Cali Sober living:

  • Presence & authenticity. When you are Cali Sober, you are fully present wherever you are. You don’t have to shield your eyes from anyone or hide yourself away. You aren’t going to forget anyone’s name or make a fool of yourself. You get to show up authentically and face - and live - and experience your life.

  • Better for your health. Cannabis, as you know from my other blog posts, balances the body by activating the endocannabinoid system, which is the body’s master regulator. It turns out that drinking alcohol actually detracts from the health of this system! This fact is literally one of the last pieces of information I needed in order to jump head first into Cali Sober living.

  • No hangovers. There are some cannabis products that can make you groggy the next day, but you’re not going to be plagued by alcohol poising or that god-awful urge to purge for a whole day.

  • No blackouts. You can get too sick from too much cannabis, for sure - and so you should always exercise moderation! But you’re not going to terrifyingly blackout (with all of your physical capabilities) as is so common with alcohol. This keeps you more alert and ultimately, safer. And especially as a woman navigating this world, I feel safer with cannabis on board.

  • Less shame. On account of less blackouts, and less compulsive behavior, and enhanced self-love, and better overall health + stability… Cali Sober living just cuts the shame factor way down. You deserve to live a shame-free life. And then forgive yourself for all the past mistakes, because we’re all human and it’s OK to learn and change and move toward a better tomorrow.

  • FUN. Fun… this one is really important to me! When I realized that I should probably stop drinking (because it wasn’t serving me), I freaked out, thinking, “Oh no, how will I ever have fun again?!” I have always enjoyed being social, and in a party setting, life is so much fun! But… I thought I needed to have alcohol along that journey to have fun. I was so wrong. Cannabis, and the people that cannabis has connected me to, has led to some of the richest life experiences that I could have never imagined “before”.

  • So many other benefits… and I’ll continue to fill you in on the benefits of living the Cali Sober way.

Side Effects of Cali Sober living:

  • Growth. Growth is hard, but we know it’s necessary and, on the whole, positive. It does bring about its fair share of change though, and this brings challenges along with it. Don’t worry; I find that cannabis can be a really helpful aid for those moments when challenges attack and we’re going “ahh!” So I say this to suggest that using cannabis and ditching the booze is going to support your growth… but that this in itself will be a challenging (albeit rewarding) journey.

  • Accountability. When we’re drunk, when we’re drinking… we’re letting a little bit of our power and control seep away. We’re not as able to fully retain control over the whole kit-and-kaboodle. Sometimes, things can spin out. And… we might start blaming other people for our problems. It’s messy, it leads to blow-ups, and it doesn’t get you closer to your goals. Conversely, cannabis can actually HELP you audit behavior. And call yourself out on your own bullshit.

  • Real & honest relationships. When we’re drinking to excess, we’re not as true. There’s an authenticity that is dimmed with alcohol. This, naturally, has negative impacts on our relationships - or it can lead to toxic relationships or simply relationships that just aren’t right for us. But, with cannabis > booze, you’re able to step toward authenticity. And show up as YOU with your loved ones and the other people in your life. This in itself can be scary as hell, and can sometimes lead to unexpected outcomes. I also firmly believe that cannabis can also help you improve your relationship with yourself.

  • Improved health outcomes. Drinking leads to all kinds of health disruption, especially when it becomes a habit that is carried out frequently and for a long period of time in someone’s life. I know, because alcohol led to many issues in my own health. And that’s because alcohol disrupts the functionality of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). And… if you don’t want to experience disease or dis-ease… then you don’t want to destabilize your ECS! On the other hand, cannabis is supportive of the efficacy of the endocannabinoid system, bringing balance to the body’s core systems and supporting a state of ease and well-being.

But whether you consume cannabis or drink alcohol, one thing remains the same: When you’re intoxicated, you shouldn’t drive. You are needed here on this earth and you shouldn’t risk your life. When in doubt, wait it out.

If you’re ever too high and you need to “come down”, take some CBD and get yourself to a safe place to rest. Stay with a friend. If you’re on the road and suddenly start feeling “off”, head to a coffee shop and order something nourishing to eat. Drink a hydrating drink. Read something. Then, check-in with yourself. Don’t get back onto the road until you feel 100% in charge of your body and can control your outcomes.

No Shame Here

Before I go any further, I just wanted to say that this blog post is not meant to elicit shame in anyone. In fact, I bring up the whole “Cali Sober” thing to help some people release the shame that can come with alcohol over-indulgence.

So, again, I do not wish to shame anyone who does drink currently. No matter what, I totally honor where you’re at, your personal experiences, and your decisions. We all get to design this journey. That’s what makes life so fun & interesting!

Cannabis users are no stranger to shame… I still experience it myself, even though I have been working in cannabis for 3 years. We gotta drop all of that.

And, it’s true that some of the words we use to describe substance use can feel shamey, too. Harm reduction, addiction, substance abuse, and sobriety… these are all kinds of intense – and maybe even prickly – terms. But, don’t let the words get in the way. Because you gotta do what works for you! What does your gut tell you?

Whether you decide to put the alcohol down, to pick up cannabis for the first time, to make a clean switch, to try one baby step at a time… it’s all up to you. Once you have direction and a goal, know there are people who can guide you and walk with you. You’re never alone and coaches, community, and support can all really help. There are some awesome FB groups celebrating alcohol-free living, as well as local meetups… connect, connect, connect!

Also, as a wellness coach, I want to “put this out there” so that I can connect to the right people who can benefit the most from my perspective and support. I have learned a lot about Cali Sober options and approaches, from personal experience, conversations with others, and coaching sessions with my clients. I can help people tap into the healing of the cannabis plant and use this as a way to embrace alcohol-free living.

My Story: From Tilted to Toasty

This cannabis oil is going to support my body & elevate my mind. This cannabis oil is NOT going to lead to any shame or lapses in judgment.

Real talk here ~ I used to drink too much. It’s a whole complicated thing like any substance abuse story, so I won’t get into all of it, but you know the basic outlines. For years, I would drink every night to try to wash away the exhaustion of the day… all the muck. But guess what, drinking totally didn’t help. In fact, it was contributing to a decline in my health. But it was all around me… even at work. I felt stuck.

I needed to do something new – to break the cycle. And then I replaced it with something that served me.

On a suggestion, I ditched the booze & began my cannabis journey. And I’m not kidding you when I say that suddenly, good stuff started happening to me. And it just kept happening. But then, as I became healthier and more powerful, I realized that nothing was really happening to me at all! I was self-strengthening, learning to take accountability, and FACING my life. I. ME. I was the person who was making it all happen.

I was bringing intentionality to 100% of the things in my life, something that my formerly boozy self just hadn’t been able to do. And the cannabis helped me power up and stay focused. It was the miracle that I had needed for so long. I cried tears and tears of joy (and I still do when I think about what cannabis has done for me).

Within 1 year, my life had increased by about 10,000 quality-of-life points! I was taking control of my health, got engaged, got promoted, and was feeling so good about myself. And my confidence… it was a 180-degree difference.

I did so much good, deep work that year. I was so proud. And I couldn’t deny that cannabis had helped me get there… nor did I want to! I felt transformed. This experience was so significant that I quit my job so that I could start learning & sharing about cannabis wellness!

Now, many years later and deep into my cannabis wellness (and cannabis coaching!) journey, I’m grateful to have the option to “kick back” in my way. These days, with cannabis in hand, I always have a healthy way to enhance & have fun.

This approach, cannabis over alcohol, has transformed my life. I share in case any of you want to try an approach that has worked out pretty swell for me.

How Do We Talk About This?

Some call this lifestyle “Cali Sober”. This term has a loose definition, but it usually refers to a siutation where someone generally chooses cannabis and plant medicines over alcohol and other drugs. It’s not a black and white thing and that’s kind of the point.

Personally, I don’t drink at all. I opt for cannabis for all those moments in my life when I wish to relax, relieve, or celebrate. I like any and every cannabis consuming method that I’ve tried to date. This plant makes me feel good, and it makes others feel good, too. It brings people together. It opens up realizations. And it doesn’t harm your life in the ways that alcohol can.

My understanding of “Cali Sober” is that it is a pretty fluid concept. It’s meant to suggest that you take accountability for what substances/aids you do and don’t align with as you move about your life. But it also suggests that person at the helm - the Cali Soberite/Socialite - aligns more with plant medicines than with alcohol.

And, in a society where alcohol remains the socially acceptable drug of choice, it says a lot to make an intentional decision that goes against the grain but works for you.

“Cali Sober” became a thing when writer Michelle Lhooq coined the phrase "California Sober". And then Demi Levato popularized it in one of her songs. I find that people under 40 (or so) are more likely to be familiar with the term, but this is changing. And… I’m talking about it with older folks, too! I have been excited to share this concept within my women’s wellness and cannabis coaching circles.

And then… within the last two weeks… I have heard both Austin Sober and Seattle Sober. I love it! I’m partial to Tacoma Sober myself <3

Here are some other terms I have been toying with: Weed over wine. Buds over booze. Or, how about resurrecting some old classics? Personal sovereignty. Plant freedom.

No matter what we call it, I think it’s an awesome approach that has the potential to help many. It’s clearly a blossoming movement and I’m so here for it.

This is important to me because I think we deserve to live authentic & present & impactful lives. Don’t dim your light, baby!

The Therapeutic Perspective

Let me begin by saying that I’m going to need to start working on an entirely separate post devoted to the therapeutic potential of cannabis in the fight against addiction (including alcohol addition). I know there’s a lot of good science to get into there. Stay tuned :)

In the meanwhile, let me just say this. Cannabis absolutely has therapeutic potential and can be leveraged as a substantive solution in the fight against addiction. It can help opioid addicts recover, it has helped thousands replace their pharmaceutical pills with natural options, and it similarly can support people seeking to curb their reliance on alcohol.

CBD dominant options, too, are powerful in the fight against addiction. There are proven neuroprotective properties of CBD and other cannabinoids. CBD can help people maintain their mental acumen, even in the face of conditions of cognitive decline. The science is out there. Cannabinoids help us stay balanced – down to the cellular level.

So, while I am merely scratching the surface in terms of the greater discussion of using cannabis to fight addiction, let me just say: This is absolutely a medicine that can help. Cannabinoids (the molecules in cannabis, also made naturally in our bodies) are literally required by our bodies in order to regulate other bodily systems. Cannabis can help your body get well. And when you are feeling well, you may be less inclined to escape back into the bottle. When we’re feeling well, there’s nothing to run from. We can be calm, peaceful, and curious. The way we were made to feel.

Cannabis has been noted by the scientific community to contribute to “oceanic boundlessness”. Hmmm… boundless. Without barrier. Alcohol isn’t a problem for everyone, but for some of us, it turns us into prisoners. Release the shackles of alcohol… and embrace oceanic freedom and possibility instead.

For more information on how cannabis works in the body, and why it provides therapeutic results, check out my blog post: How and Why Does Cannabis Work?

Don’t miss out on this info! Gaining a deeper understanding of the endocannabinoid system and how it functions allows for a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of health.

I Want to Hear Your Thoughts!

I’d love to hear… would you like to learn more about the Cali Sober lifestyle? Cuz I have a lot to say and I’ll dish if you want me to 😘 Leave a comment below or send me a message on IG if you want to learn more!

Also, what terms do you align with? Cali sober? Sober curious? Tacoma sober? #253

I think in the end, what we call it doesn’t matter. It’s about a shift in the way some of us do things. Individual choice, nuance, medicine, & freedom. It’s all really cool & I like exploring how it all weaves together.

I’m excited! I hope you are too. Stay tuned for more on Cali Sober drink recipes, lifestyle tips, & more!

Design YOUR Optimal Cannabis Regimen With a Coach

You don’t have to navigate this journey alone! I am a cannabis coach, and so I can work with you one-on-one to design the cannabis regimen that will support your AF journey as well as your overall wellness. Beyond designing your cannabis regimen, we will also review natural methods you can use to reduce cravings and burdens. Because, once you’re less encumbered, you can start taking steps toward the life of your dreams.

Note that I am not an addiction specialist nor a medical practitioner. Rather, I am a wellness coach who can help you name your goals & then apply cannabis and the principles of wellness to your daily routine. Together, we can design a plan that will help you thrive.

Book a call below to get started!

I can’t wait to support you.


Stay Well with Stay Polite Hemp


My Favorite Vape Accessories Brand: PAX