Talking Cannabis, Life, & God with Tommy Chong


I recently had the honor of sitting down - over Zoom - with Tommy Chong.

Yes, Tommy Chong. Of the Cheech and Chong movies. The one and only!

Tommy is an icon within the cannabis community - and even outside of it! You’re probably already familiar with Tommy’s work, but if not, here are some of the details of his background:

Tommy has been delivering delightful stoner comedy since the 1970s. Since then, Tommy has continued his work as an actor, musician, and comedian. He has been a vocal cannabis advocate for over 50 years and has been called the “Pope of Dope”, the “Maharaja of Marijuana”, and “America’s Sweetheart of Cannabis”. These days, Tommy sells cannabis products under his brand, “Tommy Chong’s Cannabis”, helping his customers step toward cannabis wellness and better living. 

Throughout my life, I’ve seen Tommy on TV and in movies. As a teen, my friends exposed me to Cheech and Chong and then I also grew up watching That 70’s Show, in which Tommy played Leo (the cool stoner dude who worked at the record shop with Hyde). And now, as a cannabis advocate, I’ve been following Tommy on podcasts - and on Twitter - to follow along with what he has to say about the cannabis legalization movement. 

And so, it was an honor to meet Tommy in person. Or, well, virtually. Not only is he perhaps one of the most famous stoners out there, but as I learned firsthand, he’s a man with some serious wisdom.

In this interview, Tommy talks about life, God, and how we can use cannabis to get in touch with a higher power. One thing that I found really interesting was how much Tommy spoke to the importance of giving, altruism, and forgiveness. This is some real, solid, hippie gold! I do hope you’ll have a listen; this will be my last episode before I take a little break from the podcast to plan out Season 2!



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